Monday 3 October 2011

Hamzah at 17 months old

Salam sayang buat anak ummi,Hamzah budak2 hensem budak2 baik :)

As I write this post,you are sleeping soundly in your playpen. Few days ago on the 29th September 2011 you turned 17 months old.Alhamdulillah so far ummi observed you are growing well and healthy.Ummi sentiasakan doakan Hamzah will be under Allah's protection in growing up healthy and strong :) Ummi was glad last Saturday u went for your pneumococcal injection for the first time and you took it like a pro tapi dengan keadaan menangis jugak,but Ummi was glad as well i was strong enough to face the situation with you.Ummi tau you were already tired after playing while waiting our turn,you were ready to sleep when paed ready to inject.So you were all cranky nak tido on the bed,tapi Ummi had to hug you tight and hold your hands when paed injected the vaccine shot and I was brave enough to look at the needle being inserted into your thigh.You cried more maybe terkejut and rasa sakit the needle while Ummi baca doa selawat to your ears tapi alhamdulillah,tak lama lepas tu you calmed down bila ummi pujuk.After all is settled,we went home and soon enough you slept in your carseat soundly.You had a good rest long hours of sleep and no fever was developed.Alhamdulillah,dengan izin Allah you were allright my son.

Anyhow, Hamzah's new milestones at 17 months ummi observe:
  • More new teeth coming out!Awwwww ummi selalu rasa excited je dengan progress ni,rasa macam Hamzah growing well with this particular sign.Dah boleh nampak gigi taring Hamzah :D
  • Because of progress above,selera makan Hamzah nampak fluctuate.Ummi guessing sebab makin banyak gigi tumbuh,so gusi Hamzah most times tak selesa maybe sakit bila nak kunyah makan :( Tapi nak buat macam mana,if ummi boleh amek that pain for you mesti ummi amek and tanggungkan for hamzah. Ummi just have to not overworry on this,asalkan Hamzah masih makan regularly wether sikit or banyak berselera.It is the best still asal Hamzah tak kelaparan nak makan tapi tak boleh makan sebab sakit
  • Sesekali Hamzah mula tunjuk again perasaan malu,Ummi tak sure why in certain situations. Even when Hamzah tgk clip video zikir2 arwah Ustaz Asri on Indahnya Iman and Hamzah macam malu2 tgk dia ;) Tapi yang paling chomel sekali,nowdays bila Hamzah rasa nak buang air besar Hamzah mesti berlari nak menyorok kat corner-corner lain biar tersorok sikit takde orang boleh datang dekat so senang Hamzah nak buang air besar with privacy in your pampers dulu before settle nak gi basuh ;) Hehe memang Hamzah the cutest to ummi's eyes when you behave that way. Pandainyeeee Hamzah!
  • Menu makanan Hamzah terbaru yang Hamzah suka:buah honeydew,nasi goreng,roti bakar tabur sikit-sikit icing sugar,french toast/eggy bread,air soyabean,honeystars cereal,cake red velvet and carrot cake ummi bake,vitamin scott's emulsion orange flavour
  • Vocabulary:alot of words you're trying to pick up tapi sebutan hujung-hujung je macam:
  • jan=hujan
  • dap=sedap
  • mam=makan
  • Overall you've your chatty moods macam nak bercerita pada semua orang and ummi intepret sendiri what you're trying to say
  • You love to play with ummi's iphone on the apps Ummi download for you especially games by Baby Tv.Ummi happy Hamzah cepat pickup nak main on those games.InsyaAllah,ummi doakan your brain is growing well and the developement for your critical thinking is building up :)
Happy belated 17 months old birthday my son. Ummi love you always.Be a good boy and soleh son to ummi :)